Monday, September 27, 2010

Buried Alive

 Dear Jessica,
My father is the champion at hoarding things. He hoards junk in every room in the house including MY room. Should I try to help my father? Is there anything I can do?
 Buried in Danbury

 Dear Buired in Danbury,
 Yes, there's something you can do. You can ask your father if you can  help clean up the junk. If your father does not want to fix the problem, then you must get authorities to solve this problem. Rmember, this problem can't be solved by yourself. It's time to get help.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cheating In School: Is it okay?

 Dear Jessica,
  What if I am not prepared for a test? What if the person next to me is really smart and I want to get the answers from them on the test? Is it okay for me to cheat?
         Desperate for good grades

   Dear Desperate for good grades,
  First of all, it's NEVER okay to cheat on tests. Second of all, you will get in major trouble. Third of all, it doesn't matter who you sit next to during the test. They may be as desperate as you. I suggest you work harder if you want to get good grades.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just say Whoa!!

 Dear Jessica,
 I am baby-sitting for seven kids. It doesn't help that they are brats. None of them will cooperate with one another. HELP!!!!!!
Annoyed by brats

 Dear Annoyed by brats,
 You have a right to be annoyed. Try to get the kids to calm downby having them watch a movie. Kids tend to forget what they are arguing about if they watch a movie. This also works when they are organized in a game- but only if all the kids are included. Also try allowing the kids to each have thier choice of activity for fifteen minutes.  I also reccomend hiring a second sitter. This is easier than handling all those kids yourself. I reccomend you try these suggestions.