Friday, November 5, 2010

Dream Job

 Dear Jessica,
 My dream job would have to be hosting my own television show. The problem is that my friends discourage the idea. Who should I listen to? Myself or my friends?
   Caught between my dream

 Dear Caught Between my dream,
 The answer is simple. You should listen to yourself. If your friends discourage the idea of of you becoming a TV show host, then don't listen to them. Follow your dreams.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Balancing Life

 Dear Jessica,
I am so busy. I am in art club, math club, softball, and in volleyball. I also baby-sit my dog and two cats and  I  assitant coach a pe wee softball team. Now there is a  community play that I want to be in. Am I doing too much?

  Dear Busy,
 You are doing too much.  What you should do is balance  your activities.  Stick with the activities you like. If you are still doing too much, pick one or two activiites to drop.