Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tough Classmate

 Dear Jessica,
My teacher recently switched seats. I am next to the loudest kid in the class. His name is " Cody". " Cody" will not be quiet during class. He will talk right over the teacher. Not only that, but he throws milk cartons over my head. And " Cody" is immature enough to throw spitballs at the back of my head. Jessica, I am desperate for answers.

Dear Annoyed,
It is a good thing you are desperate for answers because I have some for you. Ignore Cody when he talks over the teacher. ( He may not be talking directly to you.)   Duck when he throws milk cartons over your head. If this behavior continues, ask to be moved to another seat.

1 comment:

  1. I am currently in this situation. Due to security reasons, Cody is a fake name for the classmate I am having a problem with.
