Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just say Whoa!!

 Dear Jessica,
 I am baby-sitting for seven kids. It doesn't help that they are brats. None of them will cooperate with one another. HELP!!!!!!
Annoyed by brats

 Dear Annoyed by brats,
 You have a right to be annoyed. Try to get the kids to calm downby having them watch a movie. Kids tend to forget what they are arguing about if they watch a movie. This also works when they are organized in a game- but only if all the kids are included. Also try allowing the kids to each have thier choice of activity for fifteen minutes.  I also reccomend hiring a second sitter. This is easier than handling all those kids yourself. I reccomend you try these suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. Ya babysitting can be a pretty crappy job at times. Cooking with them helps me.
